How old does my child have to be to attend Redeemer Preschool?
We serve children from 2 years of age until they enter TK/Kindergarten. Your child must be 2 years old by August 1st to be eligible for enrollment for the upcoming school year.
Does my child have to be potty-trained?
Your child does not need to be toilet trained when they enter the preschool at the age of two or three. However, all children must be toilet trained to be enrolled in the TK/Pre-K classrooms.
What is the teacher-to-child ratio?
Licensing teacher to child ratios:
- 1 to 12 for children 30 months (2.6 yrs) of age or older
- 1 to 6 for children younger than 30 months.
Redeemer typically has a 1 to 7 ratio. The Director assists in classrooms as needed.
When does the school year begin and end?
We are a year-round school. A school year typically starts after our summer break (the second week of August) and ends the third week of July (of the following year).
What are your hours of operation?
Redeemer Preschool opens at 8:00 am and closes at 5:30 pm. The half-day morning program operates from 8:00 am. to 1:00 pm. Parents of full-day students are required to pick-up their child no later than 5:30 pm.
What kind of curriculum do you provide?
We provide a good balance between a play-based, emergent curriculum and skill-building for TK/Kindergarten readiness. Our curriculum is intentionally planned to promote learning goals that include all developmental areas and are specific to individual children’s development and emergent ideas and interests.
What is your core value?
We are committed to caring for young children in a way that respects different cultures, learning styles, and needs of the children we serve. We follow an approach that is responsive to children and families and emphasizes a relationship-based program.
What qualifications do your teachers have?
Our teachers meet the requirements set forth by the State of California which include strict requirements in early childhood education, teaching experience, background, and health screening. In addition, we require each teacher to be certified in CPR and first aid techniques. One of our most important requirements for teachers is that they have a child-friendly personality, one that both children and parents love. Each teacher is encouraged to continue their education each year by attending workshops and classes to keep up with the high standards that we are thriving through.
What is your sick policy?
We want Redeemer to be a safe place for our children. We ask parents to recognize the difference between allergies and a cold. If your child has a fever, he/she must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school. Keep your child at home if he/she has any kind of contagious disease.
When can I come for a tour of the preschool?
After submitting your application to Redeemer Preschool the Director will reach out to schedule a tour with your family.